An Empaths guide to Protecting your energy field
I began my spiritual development in my early 20’s. I did not have much guidance in the “do’s” and “don'ts” of unlocking my power through mediation and energy healing, so I ran into a lot of situations that were confusing and scary to me as an empath. For a while I didn't even know who I was and I would walk into a NYC subway station and come out of it feeling super anxious or angry for no apparent reason. I went years not truly understanding my gift and had many encounters of entities and negative attachments. At the time I was partying often and abusing alcohol. These patterns lowered my vibration and made me more prone to attracting negative energies. I went through a dark time of emptiness (which I will talk more about in my next blog about speaking my truth) and it was when I came out of these dark times that I figured out what was really happening. I cannot remember exactly the first time I realized that I had these gifts, I believe that I gradually grew an understanding after going to my aunts reiki circle religiously for more of an understanding. Throughout these years I have picked up certain rituals, tricks, mediations and ideas on how to release and block unwanted energies from penetrating my energy field. Here are a couple tried and true remedies for protecting your energy field.
Wearing Crystals And Stones As Jewelry
I use jewelry as armor to protect myself from other unwanted energies. There are crystals you can wear when you are dealing with energies you are not certain about. For example, Shungite or Black obsidian are good to wear in order to keep negative energies away. When I am in large groups with a lot of energies I hold a selenite wand in my hand at all times. Selenite transmutes any energies into light.
To release unwanted energies, I would recommend buying a huge selenite wand and scanning your energy field with it. While you are scanning the body, say out loud, "I am asking for this selenite wand to help me release, transmute, and let go of any emotions and energies that do not serve me." Use whichever words resonate with you. Every so often, you will want to increase the vibrational energy of the selenite. You can do this by either keeping the wand in sunlight or by saging it.
Rocks And Herbs
Put a rock, tobacco, rosemary, sage or any herb you resonate with into your belly button when you feel that you will be put into a situation where your energy field could be infiltrated (especially during your moon cycle). Your belly button signifies our connection to each other and the cosmos. It is very sensitive and usually not taken notice or cared for. The belly button is more prone to holding in energy and that goes straight into our solar plexus. Our solar plexus is where emotions are held, which means you may be holding emotions of others through there. While I work, I say a prayer while putting a small red jasper rock (for grounding & protection) into my belly button while covering it with a red leather belt for the ultimate protection.
Body Language
When you talk to people (whose energy is concerning) I would suggest to cross your legs and your arms. This is a way to let the energies know that you are closed for business. It blocks and closes you off from energies that are coming towards you that you are not open to receiving.
Meditation is another great way to protect your energy. In the morning before you leave the house or talk to anyone, imagine yourself being covered by an iridescent light. This light is surrounding you completely and you are now in your own bubble. Then, imagine ultraviolet light coming over that iridescent light and consuming the bubble. Next, imagine gold paint dripping down your bubble and covering the bubble completely around you. Now picture yourself drilling a hole through your bubble and putting a tube through it. Tell yourself that this tube will only allow light, love, compassion, joy, happiness to come into your bubble. Choose any emotion that makes you feel good. Then say I will not allow fear, anger, shame, guilt, hate or any other negative emotion, from coming into my bubble.
Salt Bath
Salt baths are a really good way to cleanse the body of unwanted energies. If it is super severe, use kosher salt and baking soda and soak in the tube for 25 minutes.