Kambo Services

Kambo is a healing ritual originated from South America. It's named after the poisonous secretions of the giant monkey frog called Phyllomedusa bicolor.

Humans apply the substance to their body for its health benefits.


Kambo is a traditional healing ritual that calls on the medicine of a tree frog to bring about a deep physical, emotional, energetic, and spiritual cleansing process. Kambo returns you to a balanced state by detoxifying and rebooting the immune system, releasing stagnant emotions, and eradicating negative energy held within your body.

Kambo stimulates the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. This frog secretion contains a number of highly effective peptides, the main ones being Dermorphine and Deltorphin. Dermorphine is a potent analgesic and Deltorphin can be applied in the treatment of Ischemia. (A type of lack of blood circulation and lack of oxygen, which can cause strokes).

The frog's secretion also has antibiotic and immune-boosting properties and still have great power in the treatment of Parkinson's disease, AIDS, cancer, depression, and other diseases. It has a powerful effect on pain and inflammation in general with muscle, spine, sciatica, arthritis, rheumatism, tendinitis, and migraines.

It assists with chronic headaches, asthma, bronchitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, acne, allergies, gastritis, ulcer, diabetes, blood pressure, obesity, circulatory problems, tingling, fluid retention, cholesterol, hepatitis, cirrhosis, labyrinthitis, epilepsy, menstrual irregularities, infertility, impotence, reduction of libido, depression and its consequences, anxiety, insomnia, irritation, insecurity, nervousness, fear, stress, fatigue, nervous system, shakiness, physical exhaustion, mental, emotional, detoxification, chemical dependence, and smoking, among other diseases and dependencies.

Kambo has the ability, unlike many other natural and pharmaceutical substances, to cross the blood-brain barrier and produce its effects at the level of the brain. Human cells open themselves to the beneficial properties of Kambo unlike many substances that are filtered and eliminated by the body’s highly intelligent defense system. This deep cleanse brings the possibility to create long-lasting sustainable changes in our life. 

Kambo is not recommended for those: • Severe and unstable cardiovascular conditions • Hypotensive syndromes such as Shy-Drager • Psychosis, bipolar disorders and severe unstable anxiety disorders • Pregnancy • If you have had an organ transplant

For more information please contact Danielle