Reiki Level 1 & 2 Classes

Rei- Universal Ki- Life Force

“The Universal life Force”

Reiki is a natural healing modality that allows you to connect with a higher power to bring physical and emotion healing to yourself and the receiving person.


Reiki Level 1

At Reiki Level 1 you will receive an attunement and learn how to use the reiki energy for hands on sessions for yourself and others. The channels in your body will open up to allow you to connect with the divine source on a higher level.

This is a 2 week training course.

Price- $300


Reiki Level 2

At Reiki Level 2 you will receive three of the sacred symbols and additional attunements that allow you to perform Reiki at a distance (as well as into the future and past). You will learn to use your intuition more , meet your reiki guides and be able to work on clients as a practitioner.

This is a 3 week training course.

Price- $450


Reiki Level 1 & 2

If you are interested in becoming a practitioner, Reiki Level 1 & 2 is offered for you to dive deep into the practice all at once. You will receive attunements for each level as well as the sacred symbols.

This is a 5-6 week training course.

Price- $700