3 Habits to take into the new year

When the New Year comes everyone sets these resolutions that for the most part are so hard to keep and within a month they end up giving up. They are so hard to maintain because we put this unexpected pressure on the goals itself. One year I set the intention that I would go to the gym 3 times a week. Now for some people this isn’t hard but for someone who never goes to the gym and doesn’t even find the gym pleasant, this obviously didn’t last! I decided that this year instead of making goals and resolutions I will create 3 habits that I will bring into this year. A habit is a practice, that is hard to give up but a goal is an aim or desired result. The result is desired but how you get to that result, may not be. So I decided on 3 habits that will help my mind, body and soul.

Drink More…

My first habit I want to bring in to the New Year is to stay hydrated. Up to 60% of the human adult body is water. According to H.H. Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry 158, the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% water. The skin contains 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79%, and even the bones are watery: 31%. Water has many functions in the body. It helps regulate our body temperature, moistens the tissues in our eyes, nose and mouth, protects our body organs and tissues, and carries nutrients and oxygen to cells. Water is essential in our day to day lives and I have noticed that a lot of people I know dont drink enough. Have you ever woken up from a night sleep, went to the bathroom and when you went to urinate the color was dark yellow? Well if you dont know what that means, it means that there is no water in your urine diluting the toxins to create a clear color because your body needed water for itself. In the USA 75% of adults suffer chronic dehydration, drinking only 2.5 cups a day on average. The recommended amount is 8.5 cups! I am definitely one of those average 2.5 cup drinkers, I will admit however that is going to change! I noticed that I would feel fatigue, my skin would be drier than usual, I would have muscle cramps, body aches and random headaches. These are all signs and symptoms of dehydration guys, so if you realized you were dealing with these symptoms and didn’t know why well now you know! Its a super easy fix, just drink more water.


My second habit I want to bring into the New Year is to play more! With a lot of research and learning in the last 6 months I realized that when I played, enjoyed myself, and had a good time I was at my happiest. I recently listened to a podcast of wayne dyer and his whole case was that each human being is a creation of GOD and we were put on this earth to play and just be happy. GOD and Good are pretty much the same and when we feel good we are the closest to our divine being. As we get older we tend to think that playing is a child’s game but its our egos that are telling us that if we play we aren’t growing up. What is growing up? I turned 30 last month, I’m married and I have talked with my husband about starting a family in the next year or so. I believe that is pretty grown up! But why do we have to grow up and let go of painting for the fun of it, or carving pumpkins on halloween, or making snowmen on the first snow day of the winter? I dont believe we should. Go hiking, skiing, play a sport, build a sand castle, just enjoy the little things in life that made us so happy as children. We were put on this earth to be happy and enjoy what it has to offer.

Do what aligns with my true self…

My last habit I want to bring into the New Year is to do things that align with my true self. This is something that I have been working on for a while now but now I feel confident enough to make it a habit for this year. I always did things that I didn’t want to do, in order to please other people and when I did this I would get a lash back from the universe. There was this one time that my parents wanted to order from this sushi place we always order from. They do this deal where if you order from them you get 50% all sushi dishes and 30% all kitchen dishes. Well they were both arguing on who was going to place the order and I thought to myself “Ok Danielle, you have Grubhub its so easy why dont you use the app and make their life easier.” Well I did it but I didn’t realize that if you order on Grubhub everything is full price! The price of the meal ended up being double and my father yelled at me so loud that it shook me to my core. At the time I was doing plant medicines so that intense energy was jarring. I didn’t want to do it but I thought by doing it my parents would be happy because I lightened their load. Oh boy I was wrong! The more we do things that are not aligned with ourselves, the farther we take ourselves off of the path towards our higher self, our truest self. If I feel that going out to a bar with my friend (who has been begging me to hangout) is not aligning with my true self, I will suggest another way to meet up and hang out. If they are your true friends they will accept you for you and where you hang out won’t matter. Your family is stuck with you no matter what, blood is blood. They will love you no matter what (even if sometimes they dont show it), doing stuff to please them will backfire on both you and them so just be real. Do what you can, when you can and the universe will guide you the rest of the way.


The time of transformation


The Power of Crystals