My 1st Experience with Kambo

I first encountered Kambo about a year ago when one of my girlfriends, who was working with a ton of plant medicines at the time, came up to me and told me she became a Kambo practitioner. I have never heard of Kambo before but was super intrigued when I saw all these burned dots on her arms. She explained to me all the benefits of Kambo and what it can do and one of them really stood out to me. She told me that it can help with addictions and at the time my husband was battling an addiction with tobacco. So I signed us both up and within a few weeks she came over our house for a session.

I was super nervous right before she applied the medicine but as soon as she did, my nerves left and it was just me and Kambo. I instantly felt heat rise from the tips of my toes to the top of my head. My whole body felt like pins and needles and within 5 minutes my head was in the bucket purging. I purged about 4 times and felt the energy moving through my body in the form of tremors. I also had a few energetic purges, which is pretty much dry heaving. My process lasted about 25 minutes. My body felt a little beat up but I had so much energy! I was able to get my errands done for the day, I felt super focused and my body felt clean like I went through an intensive 60 day detox. I honestly felt like a new person!

My husbands process was super beautiful, a process any practitioner would love to have because it was really quick, beautiful to watch and nothing dramatic happened. He felt the same as me, super energized and felt like his stomach was cleansed. He also suffers with stomach issues, where he would wake up every morning with pain. He finally woke up the next day with no pain in the morning and knew there was something to this medicine. After 3 sessions with Kambo, my husband stopped smoking tobacco for about 9 months. Due to the pandemic, he started up again and I don’t blame him. However, we are working on doing a 3 moon cycle treatment to put him back on the right track and now that I am a practitioner I will be facilitating his processes and experiencing this journey with him.

What I also noticed was that our relationship as a married couple got stronger. We would go through months of egos clashing and missed communication. After the 1st Kambo session, we were more patient with each other and eager to understand where the other person was coming from. I believe that Kambo helped align our paths to run parallel and symbiotic with each other as a couple.

So I thank you Kambo for all that you have done.

I am super excited to continue healing and working with you, with your blessings!


When Mindfulness is Most Relevant